The Navigator Street Outreach program was launched August, 2016. It is designed to assist street-involved people, like panhandlers, in downtown Charlottetown, by providing direction to support motivated street-involved individuals. This may be accomplished by working with them to secure and maintain employment, access addictions and health services, and find housing through partnerships with community agencies.
Our Navigator works with street-involved and homeless individuals to cultivate their true potential to be engaged. In partnership with the greater community, the program works to create long-term solutions to the challenges faced by those it serves. We were pleased to partner with Skills PEI in 2018 June – September for 50% salary subsidy, and with the City of Charlottetown who provided a $10,000 grant to support the program.
In 2018 Navigator Street Outreach connected with 37 different individuals who were street-involved and/or homeless. Helped 31 with housing supports, 8 receive identification, and resumes, clothing, hair cuts, medical support for 14, 7 with jobs or job-related services.
Late in 2018 the Navigator Program was gifted a Van from the Government of PEI; This van, which acts as our mobile office and warm drop in centre on the street, is invaluable to our effort in working with the vulnerable, street involved people.